Bloomington's Expression Of The American Ideal -
The Bloomington Culture
In the effort to preserve Bloomington's posterity and its expression of the American Ideal, our citizens and our community must recognize and embrace Bloomington's own unique and individual culture - what has made Bloomington Bloomington and what sets it head and shoulders above other Midwest cities. Bloomington's culture is important. Changing Bloomington's culture is immoral. Silencing Bloomington's expression of Bloomington is wrong!

Recently, it was announced that there were plans to introduce and implement a culture change in Bloomington.
Unfortunately, along with the introduction of any agenda to implement culture change in Bloomington comes attached a plan that serves to displace our American ideals and Bloomington's expression of them - and that includes the preservation of our rich past and the future of Bloomington, and what has made Bloomington the City we have grown to know and love. It's why we stay in Bloomington, why others return, why some never leave and why we find reasons to make Bloomington home.
Let's understand culture change for what it really is, at least according to the present application intended for Bloomington. It may sound harmless, docile, and in fact, to some, it may even be perceived as a positive change. But, nothing could be further from the truth in this instance. In fact, while it may be a subtle transition, its effects are dramatic.
Culture change is influencing individual and community behavior. By definition, culture change includes measures that are used to redefine personal beliefs and alter behavior through modifications of first, the community, its surroundings and environment, then the individual through public policy - that means by passing laws. Culture change is a precursor for constructing the fundamental framework for social engineering. On a local level, citizens need only look closely at the many Master Plans, Comprehensive Plans and the myriad of special plans for projects and programs foreign to Bloomington's own traditional culture to recognize the foundation for culture change is being built - and one that requires an ever-increasing financial burden on the tax-paying citizen.
This is further identified by the redefined quality of life components that alienate the expression of genuine and fundamental quality of life elements of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness - the life-blood of basic, fundamental needs that guarantee genuine quality of life. Culture change not only steals the rich heritage of our past, it robs us of our future.
Change the way Bloomington looks and feels in the pre-fab and built environment that present day plans are designing for you, create a new perception of your surroundings, influence your perception and behavior and the way you act in your new surroundings, and voila', culture change is complete. Essentially, you have a city that is not organic, does not express Bloomington expression, but one that has been designed for you by planners foreign to Bloomington that have conditioned your behavior for the community someone else had decided you should live in. Gone in the state of altered surroundings and new environment is the Bloomington culture that once existed. It is replaced by a citywide facelift that forces a new philosophy and new concept of what Bloomington is, should be, and one that has removed any remembrance of Bloomington's own original and genuine Expression of the American Ideal.
The American Ideal is enjoyed because of the exercise of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness, inalienable rights, private property, limited taxes and limited government. All these things must work together and we must work together to preserve them. In fact, not preserving them is anti-American!
Bloomington's own ideals enabled and preserved from these fundamental cornerstones is marked by its citizens' individual and collective expression of how these ideals allow us to make Bloomington Bloomington, and what its citizen's need Bloomington to be while embodying a standard to preserve that. Plans created by those foreign to Bloomington or cookie-cutter templates designed for every other city eliminates this organic and natural expression.
The expression in terms of Bloomington can be traced to its unique Midwest American roots, traditions and character and must be preserved in order to maintain the uniqueness of Bloomington into the future.
Of course, should this expression of Bloomington's American Ideal become alienated by a strange and foreign culture that is forced on us, this Bloomingtonian community and the unique and special expression of its culture, and the City as we know it, will die.
Let’s preserve Bloomington, its American Ideal and the unique and individual expression that makes Bloomington Bloomington.
For the good of the community.
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